**Preserving History One Page At a Time! ***Sharing my collection with my fellow Gearheads! Thank You All For Your Positive Support Through the Years. OUR MISSION IS: *To give you the best manual that will serve it's purpose of clarity, utility and longevity.

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Printing in full color when possible to present the full aspect of the original author.

*Our books are built to high standards of quality and durability! Painstaking efforts of digital document restoration consists of: *Analyzing one page at a time to bring out the absolute BEST image, turning out BETTER than the original! Heavy plastic top and bottom to protect against all elements. Knowledge is the most valuable tool, So Don't Work Harder, Work Smarter With This Book! This reimaged book is made from the original using digital enhancing tools making a better quality book delivering super clarity on heavy cardstock for book covers and high grade bright paper. NOTE: Due to condition of original documents, what is left of their frailty, there might be flaws, pen marks, hard to read, spots, worn, torn, and or blemishes and I apologize ahead of time! WE ARE A PUBLISHING COMPANY, WE MAKE BOOKS! PLEASE READ BEFORE BUYING! *PLEASE LOOK at the photos and see if this will work for your model. SO PLEASE READ VERY CAREFULLY BEFORE PULLING THE TRIGGER! Sorry, no returns! Make sure this is the book you need before buying! You need to use diligence based on my descriptions and pictures. British Version (models: 715 ) Walk-Behind Garden Tractors, covering: Specifications, Features, Optional Equipment Accessories, Available Implements: Sulky Rider Cart, Snow Thrower, Sickle Bar Mower, Rotary Tiller, Turn-Over Plow, Quick Attach Option, Furrower, Rotary Mower, Implement Attachments, etc. This is a reimaged printing of a: BCS Color Sales Advertising Catalog Brochure Manual (U.K. Item: 233661794671 BCS 715 Walk-Behind Farm Garden Tractor Color Sales Brochure Manual U.K Britain.